Friday, October 14, 2005

Tuesday, October 11

I am watching a T.V. program, where one of the main characters is named Rory. Lots of people watch it, though I think they are mostly girls. I think Lindsay (don’t tell her I spelt her name right) is one of them. It is a bit stylized which allows bad actors to appear as just quirky people, and includes lots of name dropping of names that would not normally make it onto television (this episode included Nietszche, Marx, and Schopoenhour). I have only ever seen one episode before this one and Rory, the character whose name I know, had a poster of Derrida on her wall. Isn’t that amazing? Derrida!

Alright, I apologize. I know it is a stupid show, and I know I shouldn’t have to use exclamation marks to get my point across, and I know that it is stupid to use Derrida as an excuse to watch terrible T.V. and write like a youth pastor.

Today was a good day at work. It was kind of long, wearying, and frustrating in lots of ways, but both Tristan and I were a little sleep deprived; I got to work with him for a lot of the day. We built our house with one of the main support beams in the wrong place, and the rest of the house on top of it. So today, since Pete was busy, Tristan and I, with a total of 5 weeks of framing experience and 7 ½ hours of sleep between the two of us, set out to put up some posts to support the house, chop the floor out from under us, and make everything right.

Alright, I want to get some sleep.


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