Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday, September 26, 2005. 8:23

I am sitting in the Sugar bowl at 8:00 at night. It is already very dark outside and as usual the dim lighting creates a calming atmosphere even with the half a dozen conversations all competing with each other and the music, by a band you probably haven’t heard of. I have ordered myself a water, a coffee, a bowl full of all sorts of strange things that I think is an Indian concoction, both spicy and sweet. These are all just to top off the Thai grilled chicken that I ordered because I haven’t eaten supper yet.

I am treating myself because I feel like I need a treat. I don’t really feel like going to work these days, and yet work seems to be almost all I do. Normally I think I would like working. I have always said I like how work simplifies life; when you are working you know exactly what you are supposed to be doing, but this time I feel like I should be doing something else. If you were to ask what I was “supposed” to be doing, I would probably list off a bunch of social activities, which may seem a little ridiculous, but I don’t think it is. On top of that, I might say that I think I am supposed to be moving to Vancouver. Although a similar feeling comes to mind, and this occurs to me only as an afterthought, and not because I actually think the two feelings are related, but this is not the only time recently that I have felt like I ought to be doing something other than what I am doing.

The table in front of me is crowded. The laptop takes up a lot of space on a small table, and it seems like things work out better when one is either eating or typing and not trying to do both. The cream, sugar, salt and pepper, a candle, a napkin, and my garbage, which includes a wrist band from the hospital today, all make the table look cluttered.

Was that silly of me? To just mention the hospital so casually like that? Well, yes, I am a little anoid that I dislocated my shoulder at work today. For me dislocating my shoulder is not a particularly noteworthy event, but this time it was my right arm, which has never happened before, and… well, enough of that.

I really like the look of table tops. I have long talked about taking pictures of them to make an album, and I think I am going to do it. One of the projects I will take up while I am in Vancouver. I am really looking forward to going to Vancouver.

Well, if I have my way, I’ll convince Becky and Russ to go over to the King’s house tonight so that they can have a hot tub with Ashley and I, but I haven’t gotten a hold of any of them yet, so we’ll see.


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