Saturday, November 06, 2004

Nothing new I guess

I am given courage, I am lifted up by the writings I have read by many who are close to me. Jacob, Daytona Splendor, Jillian, The Protagonist, and, of course, my faithful friend and reader Soren. I find no topic more important than that which has been illuminated by these people in various contexts, that of love. When I speak of love I do not want to bring forth thoughts of false sentimentality, of a the "aww" that that falls from the mouths of a cynical people who have been given reason to doubt.
I bring us back to a point where I finished earlier, on the heals of Derrida, to clarify that love is both be the beginning and the end of my project.
Derrida makes a claim that can easily be lost amidst the disorder that is his article "Glas." In his demonstration of the constructedness of meaning, of the maleability of reason, Derrida wants to open his mind and his heart to those who are rejected by these artificially naturalized principles, telling us

"I begin with love."
"This concept does not leave much room, despite appearances, for chitchat, or for declaration."

In these words I find a hope and confidence that love is strong enough to build upon. This, I pray, will be the thread that binds my thoughts and offers the reader some insight into my aims and intentions in a series of disjointed posts.


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